5 Shots of 1 Special Bird

Yesterday morning I was up very early after the Election and was in a real daze. I decided the best thing that I could do for myself was to head out to Silvio O. Conte in Hadley. I usually listen to the news when I head out in the morning but I did not do that yesterday - I drove in silence. There were clouds on the horizon making for some very nice light at dawn. I was willing myself to only focus on positive things in our world - like beautiful early morning light. I pulled into Silvio and got out of the car. I was hoping to hear a hoot or two - nothing but beautiful silence. I grabbed my gear and headed out for the mile loop. Sparrows and flickers greeted me as soon as I entered the part of the loop that goes through the woods and thickets. I will be very honest with you - I was really hoping to see or hear an owl. My goal was to make it to an area where I had seen a Screech owl in a perfect hole in a tree two years ago. I ALWAYS look for that hole in the tree to see if she might be in there. I call her a she because 2 years ago I took Lorraine over there to see the Screech after I had discovered her and we scored together - the Screech was still in the hole when we arrived. Lorraine did not name the owl like she had done with other owls but she was convinced it was a female because she said to me - I want this owl to be a female - so that was that!. She loved the fact that this little owl (Screech owls are only about 6-8” tall) had claimed such a perfect hole - I told her how the sun’s first rays light up this hole beautifully. I can’t tell you how many times I have looked since that last sighting with Lorraine and have never seen it again.

It is a real challenge to see that hole in the tree because it is across a little stream and there are twigs and branches (of course) in the line of vision. I have found two spots that give me the best line of sight. I arrived at the first spot well before sunrise to set up and hope that you know who would be there. And guess what… on such a dark day for our country and world - there she was sitting in the hole - incredible.

I took these 5 shots over a period of more than an hour so that you could see the light of morning unfold on this little incredible creature in its home - I hope that you enjoy.

“Oh, Mother Earth,

your comfort is great, your arms never


- Mary Oliver


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