A morning change

I drive by a gorgeous farm field each morning when I head to Ragged. I have been wanting to stop and spend some time there to see if the cows would make their way down towards me. The first morning I tried they didn’t come down towards where I was standing… However my next try I scored… they did exactly what I was hoping for. It was 50 degrees so there was a nice heavy dew on the grass and the sun was just starting to make its way up behind them.

I hope you enjoy!

After this thrill I decided to stop at Danbury Bog. The bog has one area where it is filled with swamp maples and I had been eyeing one particularly spectacular tree… the bog is below the ski mountain.

I then made my way to Ragged to see these little beauties…




I am adding this one because I am so excited that the berry lined up so perfectly! :). Do you know what kind of warbler this is??

That’s it!


Bittern on the prowl!


Once in a blue moon!