Extraordinary Cape Light!

I went out two mornings in a row last week and had the most extraordinary early morning displays of Cape light - truly left me breathless!! I kept thinking that things seemed to me to be lining up for a chance of very special light as a huge Nor’easter was brewing… these two mornings were more than I could have hoped for! Let’s start with the first morning at Herring Cove. Just as I was getting my gear out of the car up in the parking lot a spectacular shooting star appeared right above me and fizzled out over the water - I thanked my lucky stars and took this as an incredible sign of things to come! As I left the parking lot it was biting cold - not much wind but the temps were very cold for this time of year. Off I went with all of my winter layers on once again… I didn't need my headlamp for too long as there was a half-moon up above that was giving me enough light to see where I was walking on the beach towards Wood End Lighthouse. Not 15 minutes into my walk I heard a Piping Plover calling and calling! It was still too dark for me to spot him but I made a mental note of my general area on the beach so that I could try and locate him later. What a thrill to hear that call in the pre-dawn darkness…

I finally made my way to the Wood End Lighthouse … Here you go!

This shot was taken while a song sparrow was belting out his beautiful morning song! Every single time I am out there there is a song sparrow in the same exact spot greeting the start to another day!

I then packed up quickly as I was hoping to find that Piping Plover in the beautiful early morning light. As I was walking back this beautiful scene unfolded in front of me…

After this shot I moved as quickly as I could further down the beach in hopes of finding that Piping Plover - and I scored!

The wind then picked up from the north and it made a cold morning even colder - and the little one tried to stay warm by tucking his beak into his back feathers while standing on one foot. Seeing how cold he was made me feel even colder and even more in awe of these tiny little fluff balls enduring all that Mother Nature throws at them… just incredible.

I was now very cold so it was time to head back to the car and as I walking back he flew in front of me and landed on this gorgeous dune to my right to give me my last shot of the morning. I knew that I would be bundling up the next day to head out again.

The next morning I decided to park at Race Point Beach parking lot and head out on the beach towards Race Point Lighthouse. I knew that I didn’t have enough time to make it all of the way to the lighthouse so I set my timer to remind myself when it would be time to turn around as I lose all track of time when I am out there. It was as cold as the morning before and this morning’s light was starting to show amazing colors very early so I hoofed as far as I could before I set up for some landscape shots. Here you go!

Now looking southwest…

Just as I snapped this shot I heard a plover!!! I quickly ran back up to higher ground on the beach where I had left my camera with the zoom lens and tripod and I immediately found the plover! The beach here is at a very steep angle which is not fun for walking on but worked to my advantage for setting up my tripod. I was able to set it at about mid-height which enabled me to be at eye level - just perfect to see this pair in beautiful soft pink light!!

The most remarkable thing happened next… one of the plovers moved to my left and I kept slowly moving along to my left. I knew that we were both traveling towards the exact spot where the sun was going to just pop up over the dune and give us a chance at magical lighting - I was holding my breath... Just when more of the sun’s rays crept up over the dune the plover stopped to pose for a split second for me!

Now on the run towards the spot where the entire sun had just popped up over the dune

This shot was taken directly into that direct full sunlight - the plover sat motionless for a few seconds while I was holding my breath again. It is impossible to describe the thrill of all of this!

Just as I shot the image above, I heard the other plover back over my right shoulder just in time to capture this!

The last two shots… truly two unforgettable mornings… Grateful beyond words…


On the nest!!


Takahe and more!