Gannets in the Spotlight! Part 1

I hope I don’t give you too many gannet shots to look at it - but I probably will! :). This particular morning was an A++++! I had arranged to meet Grace, a wonderful young guide, to take me out on an ATV to the Gannet colony at Hawke’s Bay at 7am. I had been excited about this opportunity well before we departed for our trip. Gannets generally roost way out in the open seas on rock outcroppings but in Hawke’s Bay there are a couple of colonies that are land-based on the edge of the cliffside - so I knew this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

A little bit about gannets… first of all these are Australian gannets - very similar in appearance to the ones I have seen through binoculars way out in the sea, diving for fish from the shores of Cape Cod. Gannets spend about 80% of their lives out on the open sea living solitary lives. Just thinking about that totally amazes me… And then the other 20% of the time they spend time at the colony where there are hundreds/thousands of gannets gathered in impossibly close quarters hugging the cliffside. While at the colony they find their mate or are looking for a mate and/or are mating or laying a single egg. Gannets generally mate for life - so think about this… they are mostly alone during a typical year way out in the open sea and then their internal clock tells them it is time to fly to their colony and somehow find their mate out of all the thousands of gannets that all look alike! Their mating preening ritual is beautiful to observe and I knew I had a good chance to be able to see this. I also knew I would see some chicks of various ages- the youngest being about 3 weeks old. Chicks develop white down shortly after birth and then slowly over the next 3 years gain all of their adult plumage. Australian gannets are up to 36” long, weigh up to 5 pounds and have a wingspan up to 6 and 1/2 feet - power packed birds!! Their lifespan is generally up to 20 years - some have lived a few years longer…

Back to my morning… Grace and I took off exactly at 7am on a gorgeous bluebird sky morning - perfect temp in the low 60’s. We travelled out on a dirt path through the gorgeous rolling hills towards the Pacific - it was absolutely stunning! Grace let me know that she would stop anywhere that I wanted to and that we could spend as much time as I wanted to at the gannet colony - I could not have asked for a better companion! I told her as much as I would like to take shots along the way I wanted to get to the colony asap for the early morning light and we would make stops on the way back. We had two choices - the colony where there are many thousands of gannets where I could not get quite as close, but still close, or the smaller colony with many hundreds of gannets where I could practically bend over and touch one (and would have the better early morning light). Needless to say I chose the smaller colony and WOW!! We hopped out of the ATV as soon as we arrived and Grace led me on a very narrow path along the top of the cliffside along some thickets and then we came slowly around the corner to see this scene!!! We were the only two there…and quite honestly there was only room for the two of us… it was perfect!!

And then zeroed in on this one sitting on a nest!

Then zooming out so that you can see some of the rock outcroppings with gannets on them way down below us…

And then he flew right in front of me!

After the above shots I set up my tripod as low as possible and got down on my knees in the dirt and proceeded to have the time of my life!! The two of us were situated about 2 feet higher than the closest gannets to us (where they don’t venture to) and we were able to observe them with unobstructed views! Grace spends a lot of time at the colony and was thrilled to be there and know that I was in NO rush - I was going to keep shooting until I was totally exhausted. What a gift to have the time, opportunity, weather, incredible subjects and a wonderful companion who was enjoying it as much as I was! Thank you so much, Grace!!

Time for young chick shots!!

And then I looked over and finally spotted an egg!

I sensed movement to my left to see this gorgeous display!

I looked up just in time to capture these two shots!!

How beautiful are these courtship displays?? Incredible…

Feeding time!

Full belly…resting time…

And then Grace said - Cheryl, there is a young one trying to flap its wings!!! I absolutely loved being able to see the combination of all of that down and the beginnings of feathers on this big sweetie!

To be continued!!! ……


Gannets in the Spotlight! Part 2


Pure Magic in NZ!!