Nantucket Seal

This past weekend Lorraine and I spent an absolutely beautiful weekend on Nantucket… everything cooperated… smooth sailing on the ferry back and forth from Hyannis, perfect temps 60-70 all weekend long, miles of empty beaches and miles of conservation trails right out our door… just amazing! We brought all of our equipment - Lorraine’s painting supplies and easel and all of my camera equipment other than my big heavy tripod because we ran out of arms! :-).

As soon as we arrived we went out to lunch and Lorraine could see that I was tapping my toes as soon as I was done eating - so she said - go on I will settle up with the check! She didn’t have to tell me twice! So off I went to change and grab my gear. I decided to hit the beach as it was mid tide and I was hoping if I walked far enough toward the barrier beach I might come across some seals. The afternoon was absolutely spectacular - mid 60’s, very slight breeze, very calm seas and some wispy high clouds. I kept walking and walking and finally I spotted something on the beach far ahead of me… even looking through my zoom lens I could not tell what I was seeing… was someone sunbathing or could it be… a resting seal??? Of course I keep on going and keep checking through my lens until I finally confirm - it is a seal!! All by itself… I hold my breath just hoping it is not hurt. Seals will rest on the beach but generally they do it in groups but sometimes it is possible to find one all by itself. I kept slowing walking and checking through my lens… still no movement, I am getting nervous… I continue on because if it is hurt or worse I will call it in and report it. I continue walking and stop again and stand for a few moments when all of a sudden I do see movement!! It is lifting its head and then putting it down - phew!!! I exhale and continue on… With seals and most wildlife a respectful distance to stay away is 150 feet. I keep walking until I have estimated that I am slightly further back than 150 feet… I never want to disturb anything and this young harbor seal is clearly tired! I set up on my stomach behind a slight rise in the sand, almost like a berm, so if the seal looks up it will only see the end of my lens in the distance.

I was able to watch this seal for the longest time - thank you little one!! What an experience… I watched him or her sleep, bat away little flies, and finally as the tide was rising head into the water. Another day I will have time to share the shots of it heading into the water… but for now… here you go!

Honestly, how beautiful is this seal??? Thank you little one!!

I then hoofed it back along the beach hoping I would catch Lorraine still out painting on the bay side where she had pointed out to me that she was planning on setting up.

I took this shot from quite a distance back as I could see that I had just missed her still having her canvas on her easel - she had just started to pack it up!

Lorraine will be posting her painting on her blog as soon as she finishes it up. She was able to get most of it painted that afternoon…

The next couple of shots are from cloudy Sunday morning - we had heavy rain during Saturday night that thankfully cleared up early in the morning. Daffodils were in bloom everywhere on the island!

Lorraine, thank you for an unforgettable weekend… xoxo


I Never Know!


Nature’s Largest and Smallest