First half 2023

So I’ve just finished the beginning of 2023 from January to May with various paintings, drawings and doodling in fits and starts. I enjoy plein air painting -the opportunity to be outdoors painting and alone in the quiet…listening to what nature has to offer during this time of year. But this year has been way too cold to paint outside so instead, I often paint from Cheryl’s photographs indoors in my toasty art space armed with a hot coffee, listening to music with Dusty nestled under my easel cheering me on.

Race Point

This painting is from one of Cheryl’s photos taken from the Fire Road at Race Point in Provincetown. She took it on one of those frigid mornings when she headed out before sunrise, bundled up from head to toe, to brave the cold and wind. I tried to convey a sense of the frigid temperatures, the blustery biting wind and the desolation of the morning.

The Bend, Deerfield

From another of Cheryl’s photos, taken in early January on a section of the Deerfield River. The river was almost entirely iced over except for small peeks of water around the edges of the shoreline. The morning began mostly cloudy but as the sun began to poke through, it provided glimpses of blue in the sky and to shed light on the trees.

Some Doodles, Drawings and Quick Paintings

Occasionally, we go for a drive and I take my watercolors and a small journal or pencil and journal and Cheryl takes her camera gear.

First things first, we stop for our cappacinos and a snack and then find a place to park where we think there might be an interesting subject to paint or photograph.

Here are a few of the journal paintings and drawings that I did as I sat in the car with my morning treats.

Days Cottages

Provincetown East End House

Provincetown West End Houses

North Truro Sisters Cottages

Hopefully the second half of the year I’ll be more prolific. :)


Current Trio


My Feathered Friend