Feeding frenzy!

About a week ago the forecast looked like we were going to get a break from the rain and smoke filled skies so I planned an early morning outing at Ragged. When I woke up it was very cloudy but I checked the forecast again and it looked like the clouds were going to lift soon. So off I went very happy to finally be back outside for the morning.

Turned out the clouds were very stubborn for longer than forecasted but birdsong filled the air so that was a-ok with me!

While I took this shot the air was filled with the most beautiful birdsong right behind me.

Turns out there were chestnut-sided warblers right there!! I could hear them but it took me forever to finally spot a couple (I can’t even imagine how many were there that I could never locate) and it took even longer for the clouds to lift… but when they did - it was glorious!

This male was so doing everything he could to get the attention of females - his songs were so beautiful and loud!

and then I found a couple more…

There is a spot in this area that I love to spend time at - very often I see common yellowthroat warbers here. As soon as I arrived I heard them all around me! I was so excited as the light was absolutely stunning. All of a sudden it was a feeding frenzy of all males- I was ecstatic! My guess is that nests were nearby that I never located… and the males were bringing breakfast to the young ones. I so love when I am fortunate enough to be in the spot when all kinds of feeding is happening. I was taking one shot after the next - it was hard to keep up with all of the activity - but wow was it ever fun! I felt like all of the birds were so happy for blue skies and clean air that they were celebrating with a feast! I hope I haven’t included too many - if I did - my apologies!

As I was taking this last shot I sense some movement in front and to the right of me…

My hunch is this is a full grown female - that is very tall grass she is walking through. She never turned her head towards me - I am sure she saw me a lot sooner than I saw her! She just kept walking straight into the woods in front of her - as she entered the woods she pulled down 2 very large pine branches on her way into the woods - wow! Once my heart got out of my throat I packed up my gear and slowly made my way back to the car - so grateful for another unforgettable morning.




June blooms