A walk in the fog

A couple of weeks ago I went back over to the North Meadows in Deerfield. The fog was very heavy as I drove over but once again I knew it would lift - just had no idea how long I would have to wait! As I walked over to my usual starting place the silence was deafening… it was as if every living creature was just waiting for the fog to lift…. I found myself stopping several times just to listen to the absolute silence - it was a very calming way to start the day.

Once again I saw the green heron - but too far to get any shots for you - his profile kept fading in and out in the fog - gorgeous to witness.

I walked a little further and was thrilled to find a Belted Kingfisher…

And then the fog began to lift…

As soon as I took this shot I knew I had to run to get into position for a shot I have tried many foggy mornings…. and finally I have one to share with you -

After this shot I then decided to walk back into the far north corner past the corn fields to the furtherest pond. Guess who I found again just in the nick of time in beautiful strong morning light!

And then on my walk back alongside the cornfields this gorgeous sparrow landed and sang his little heart out…

Wishing everyone peace filled moments….


Falling back…


Hello Green Heron!