Falling back…

I have to say that I am in the camp of those who dread when we leave daylight savings behind and move the clocks back to standard time. I try not to dwell on it but it is hard when we have sooo many hours of darkness headed our way! This year I decided to spend two mornings at Bullitt to say good-bye to daylight savings time and to try to adjust my attitude about the shorter days ahead… I’ll let you know how the attitude adjustment goes! :)

I totally lucked out with the two mornings that I chose - wow!

The angle of the low fall sun makes for very intense, spectacular lighting. This first series is from the first of these two mornings and I could not have asked for more. Perfect temps - mid-forties and absolutely no wind.

As I walked up this path the birdsong was very quiet until all of a sudden, this gorgeous field sparrow practically landed right in front of me!

Seeing this little one’s face put a big smile on my face!

I just love seeing milkweed pods and Bullitt has lots of them…

The second of my two mornings. I was very excited to head to Bullitt as we had our first snowflakes the day before! It didn’t amount to much and had all melted in South Deerfield but I was convinced Bullitt would have a little on the ground - and it did! I arrived very early - that is easier to do than usual since it is was one of the last days of daylight savings when the sun rises late… another gorgeous morning! The temp was 24 degrees when I arrived - but it didn’t feel that cold since the ground is not frozen yet - it actually felt great.. Again, no wind - that is always a treat. I was just grabbing my gear from the car when all of a sudden I heard a hoot!!! I stood absolutely still and listened to three more Great Horned hoots from deep in the woods - what a way to start the day! I have been convinced forever that Great Horneds must be at Bullitt and now it is confirmed - now I just need to spot one there!

Clouds were building in the sky at dawn which always hold promise for something special. The clouds were hugging the tops of the mountains right where the sun comes up. Because of the location of the rising sun at this time of the year I knew I could have a chance at something that I have tried many times before but have not been able to capture. This was the morning it finally happened for me - I hope you enjoy!

After I took this shot I ran to my right to try another shot that I have tried many times before without success… this was my morning to change that!

After these shots I stayed low and turned to my right just in time as I knew the field to my right would now be bathed in spectacular morning light…

Here’s to trying to embrace shorter days and more time for sleep! :).


Hatches Harbor Magic!


A walk in the fog