Hatches Harbor Magic!

Yesterday morning was beyond anything I could have hoped for… As I drove over to the parking area for the Hatches Harbor Fire Road, there was a lot of fog and low-lying clouds. Just as I pulled into the small dirt parking area, I could see stars sparkling in and out of the clouds. I grabbed my gear, put my head lamp on and started out - perfect temps and no wind - 50 degrees. No moon in the sky so it was dark walking through the beginning of the path through the pine trees - not one single peep from any living thing - total silence.

As soon as I came out from the wooded area I turned off my headlamp because I could see enough now that I was in that huge expanse of grasses on my left and right and the dunes in the distance ahead of me. I could see the Race Point Lighthouse light going on and off in the distance in its rhythmic pattern. The fog was lifting in spots all around me and the morning was very subdued - just glorious.

All of a sudden I saw movement up to my left, down in the marsh area heading towards the elevated path that I was on. I took a few more steps and set my tripod down, ready for whatever might cross ahead of me on the path. At first I thought it was a coyote. But then, all a sudden I saw a flash of white - it was a deer! I kept squinting to confirm that I was right when all of a sudden it was right in the path in front of me - a young buck!!! As I mentioned, the light was still very low - the sun would be rising in another 30 minutes but always at that time the sky starts to gently light up the landscape - I just love it. I kept trying the best I could with settings to capture this beautiful creature in such an otherworldly landscape - it all seemed surreal it was all so beautiful.

A huge thank you to Brian who helps me immensely with my photography and these blog posts - Brian - these posts would never be possible with you - thank you!!

I hope you all enjoy this post as I will never forget yesterday morning. It brings me great pleasure to share my morning adventures with you.

We locked eyes for many seconds…like we could see into each other’s souls. What a beautiful peaceful creature…

And then he turned slowly and I knew he would be heading on with his journey…

And then he slowly walked down into the tall grasses below the path. He didn’t jump or run so I knew he felt as I did - comfortable in each other’s presence. As soon as he went into the grasses I never saw him again… I never saw a blade of grass move - it totally amazed me that he vanished so easily and quickly. As always it takes a few moments to collect myself after a beautiful encounter like this. I picked up my tripod and camera and continued along the path. A few minutes later I looked behind me and saw that the sky was lighting up pink! I walked on further up the path because I could see the pink in the sky was traveling towards the north and I knew where I wanted to be in order to try and capture this very early glorious lighting…

After this shot I knew the sun would be up in just moments so I hoofed it as quickly as I could to capture this landscape of Race Point Light.

And then I went a little further to capture these…

Then……….. I spotted a great blue heron!!!

Turns out this guy was on the hunt! I could not believe how many times he flew by me and then would land in the grasses and take off and fly by again! I will end with a series of him in flight in beautiful low November early morning light! Another spectacular creature!

I thought this was going to be his last pass by me…. but no!!! He turned and flew by me even closer!!!

I thought for sure this would be the end of his flights by me…. he landed and stood in the grasses for no more than 2 minutes and……. took off again and turned and came back past me!!!

The end!!

Lorraine and I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so grateful for your friendship - you bring us much joy and happiness - thank you!


Magnificent Mornings


Falling back…