Magnificent Mornings

WOW! My last two morning outings have been out of this world - the lighting was pure magic!!

You will need time for this post - it has many shots… I hope it isn’t too long!

The first of these mornings I went back to Hatches Harbor via the Fire Road - how could I not after my previous morning there? :-). The tide was just high enough that I could not make it out all the way out to Race Point Light… so instead I hung around as far as the tide would let me. This first shot is me looking back towards P-town - that is Pilgrim Monument on the left… I got down on my stomach just below the grasses and shot this right as the sun was just coming up…

I then turned 180 degrees to see this amazing light - just incredible!

And then I went around the corner to try and capture a reflection on a nice dune that is there. I have tried this many times but never quite captured what I wanted to until this morning… I struck gold!

Then I turned around to walk slowly back along the path while I kept scanning everywhere for birds or anyone! Birds were very quiet here - they seemed to all be at the ocean at this time. I kept looking and looking and…then I saw two young deer out in the grasses!! I have never seen deer two days in a row at the Cape - wow!

These two were way out in the grasses - and then I saw movement in the grasses - is that a rack of a buck?? Yes!!

The two younger ones took off running while the buck kept his head down swinging his head back and forth - smelling something in the grasses - I am thinking maybe a coyote?? I never saw what the buck was smelling but he sure was on the scent of something…. and then he started to move out of the grasses looking towards me and catching the light beautifully!! What a gorgeous creature!

He then turned and ran through the grasses towards where the young ones had gone - what an absolute thrill!

Now this morning…

I decided to park at the Race Point Beach parking lot and hoof it out on the Fire Road that goes past the Old Harbor Life-Saving Station. It was 30 degrees with nice dark clouds in the very early morning sky. I was hoping for some dramatic early morning light - we have some wild weather heading our way so I knew that there could be a good chance of very special lighting - and wow it did not disappoint! I set up as high as I could along the path that branches off of the Fire Road - I wanted to be able to look directly into the sun and to have it light up the Life-Saving station in front of me - it was all lining up just perfectly.

The sky started to fill with lots of pink along the horizon behind the Life-Saving station.

And then I looked behind me towards the rising sun… and wow!!

And then…

And then back again looking towards the Life-Saving Station…

On my walk back along the Fire Road… looking back towards the Life-Saving station…

Then just about back to the parking lot… Park Ranger station top right.

And then this for my last shot… it all seems like make believe…

Wishing you all a peaceful Thanksgiving…


Giving Thanks


Hatches Harbor Magic!