CR birds in the rain!

This was the rainiest morning we had in Costa Rica. I was out for hours and saw an amazing amount of gorgeous birds - many of these birds I only saw this one morning in the rain… just incredible! found it exceptionally challenging shooting this morning… for the most part the rain was coming down hard. The birds were out so I kept trying! :-) Over the course of our week I spent countless hours at this tree - it truly was remarkable how many birds came to eat the fruit from this tree - this particular morning there were more than ever... I have not been able to find out the name of this fruit tree - If I do I will update this post. Here you go!

Blue-grey Tanager

Common Bush Tanager

Flame-coloured Tanager

Flame-coloured Tanager

Golden-browed Chlorophonia

I truly cringe each time I look at this shot! It does not at all do this spectacular bird justice… I am so hoping to get another opportunity next year…

Prong-billed Barbet

Prong-billed Barbet

Red-headed Barbet - female

Another shot I cringe at… truly does not do it justice…. spectacular bird…. fingers crossed for another opportunity next year!

Silver-throated Tanager

Silver-throated Tanager

Violet-Sabrewing Hummingbird

The sun popped out for these 3 hummingbird shots….

Violet-Sabrewing Hummingbird

White-throated Mountain-gem Hummingbird


Dune Shacks and Outhouses!


More Costa Rica!