Glorious PTown!

This morning I left the house later than I had wanted to… doesn’t happen often but it does happen… Thankfully, my plan had been to drive to the West End Breakwater and park right there and head out along the beach (it was low tide) and make my way over to set up in front of the Provincetown Inn. I have only done this one other time and had been waiting for conditions to be right to try again. For me the right conditions meant low tide and a mostly cloud morning. As soon as I parked the car the sky was just starting to light up and I could tell everything might just line up. I grabbed my gear and ran (or my version of running in wet low tide sand with all of my equipment - I am a sight! lol)! As I was running I was starting to see pinks in the pools of water in the sand… exactly what I have been dreaming about! I set up in about ankle deep water - just perfect!

Well….. it all came together and was beyond my dreams….

I used no filters etc. - here you go - I hope you enjoy!

After this breathtaking sunrise I decided to head over to Beech Forest to see what feathered friends would greet me!

It was very quiet - but I did have great opportunities with these two gorgeous birds!

Yellow-rumped warbler

Spring is here! The warblers are just starting to arrive!



He was singing his heart out!


Nature’s Largest and Smallest

