Good-bye 2023!

This morning I bundled up and went to Bullitt to say good-bye to 2023- the windchill was 18!

It was very quiet but as always it was beautiful. I quit early so that I could drive home to see if Lorraine wanted to take a ride and explore - she was game!. We drove through Old Deerfield and then on through East Deerfield. When we were on River Road all of a sudden we saw three absolutely adorable alpacas at a farm!! Of course we pulled right over so I could hop out with my camera and so that Lorraine could enjoy them with as well. The clouds had been thick and low all morning until this stop - then the sun kept popping out from behind the clouds - just gorgeous lighting on the alpacas! What a way to send off this year!

I hope that you enjoy!

Seriously, how cute are these??

For about 1/2 of one second they were all together…. :)

Wishing you all a wonderful 2024!


Hello 2024!


Oh Deer!