Oh Deer!

The last couple of mornings the silence has been deafening for long stretches of time…. No wind, not a peep, not a hoot - just amazing stillness. I did have an amazing barred owl fly right in front of me yesterday morning on the hunt! It all happened so quickly from left to right that I never had a chance to get a shot off - incredible bird!

I hope that you enjoy what I was able to capture…

Not sure if a Downy or a Hairy woodpecker…. birds in flight will never cease to amaze me!

Tufted titmouse


This morning just as I was deciding it was time to leave Bullitt I felt a presence slightly to my left behind some trees….And then this magic happened….. absolutely gorgeous!!

And then I looked to my right to see this one in front of those trees! And then they turned and left… such a gift…

Wishing you all peace this Holiday season…


Good-bye 2023!


Scored at Bullitt!