Scored at Bullitt!

This morning I went to Bullitt in Ashfield- cold with no wind and a gorgeous blue sky - great conditions. I was hoping to hear a hoot - but no luck… Birds were very, very quiet - and then all of a sudden this cute little chickadee landed practically right in front of me!

And then went zinging right past me!

I kept slowly going to my favorite spots when all of a sudden I saw a tiny flash of yellow! I have been so wanting to get a good look at a golden-crowned kinglet and a shot of one- and it happened this morning! Wow - they do not sit still! What a thrill!

And then I heard a twig snap close to me to my slight front and left…. and this dazzling coyote was waking up from a little nap right there!

And then wide awake….

And then he went on his way…. another beautiful morning at Bullitt!


Oh Deer!


Stunning Hooded Mergansers!