Stunning Hooded Mergansers!

I kept thinking about where to go today after our torrential rains yesterday - lots of flooding everywhere so I knew most of my spots would not be possible today. I decided to park on the north end of Main St. in Old Deerfield and walked towards the North Meadows ponds to wait and see who might come floating down the flooded waters. Wow was it ever flooded! I took this shot to show you just how flooded… the water front and center is the road that leads to the fields and has the ponds on either side. Yikes…

Well, I had to be very, very patient today as I didn’t see anything for a very long time… I kept hearing a glorious Carolina wren but I never did spot it…. As the light was getting more and more beautiful I finally I saw some movement in the water behind a log and look who showed up!!!

Male Hooded Merganser

Wow - what a show!

I figured there would be a female somewhere with this guy and finally I spotted her to my right -

Getting her breakfast!

Does anyone know what she caught for her breakfast?

And then he decided he was hungry too!

And then once their bellies were full they turned and went back up the way they had come from…. just so beautiful!!


Scored at Bullitt!

