
This past October we spent an amazing vacation in Spoleto, Italy! We scored with great weather - low to mid-70’s for the most part and many days with dramatic clouds. I am going to break this up into to two posts - this first one will be my shots from my early morning adventures around the ring road and the other post will be the Nat’l Park we went to in the countryside of Umbria.

Spoleto is a medieval hilltop town - we stayed up at the top in one of the oldest parts of the town. I started each morning by walking the ring road in order to see the village and valley below light up - absolutely stunning! I think the ring road is the one flat road in all of Spoleto when you are in the area we stayed in - lol. When not on that road you are either walking up or down - it is very much a hilltop town!

This first shot is from the winding road I would take each morning as I would head out.

Each morning I was able to get out early enough before the sunrise to see this gorgeous steeple lit up - truly breathtaking. The ringing church bells and the incredible light at dawn made for a really wonderful way to start each day.

The blue light of dawn was truly gorgeous -

Looking down over the lower part of Spoleto…

At this time of year the sun rose behind me and to the right - lighting up the mountains to the right and then a little later hitting all of the highest points below with its first rays of light - gorgeous!

This is a different morning with spectacular pink clouds and early morning light - wow! This is heading out on the ring road…

And then on the other side of the ring road…. again, the magical blue light of dawn!

The following shots are from meandering around after sunrise exploring the winding alleyways and piazzas. This next shot - what can I say??? Each morning I made sure to be in this spot to try and capture this…

I walked by this fountain many times and tried on many mornings to capture just reflections… this particular morning it came together for me.

And then I went around the corner…

Then this gift as I walked down an alleyway … heading to the school around the corner…

After I was done exploring each day I would walk down to the piazza nearest our place and say good morning to Vittoria - she makes delicious cappuccinos! She always had a smile to greet me and each day I so looked forward to saying hello to her! She is studying to be in fashion design and clearly works very hard at everything she does.

Vittoria - I wish you the best of luck and I hope that our paths cross again!

Spoleto - spectacular destination with warm, wonderful people!


Stunning Hooded Mergansers!


Smiling Seals!