Hummingbird Moth

Late yesterday afternoon we drove over to the Musterfield Farm in North Sutton, NH. It is an 18th century working farm - it is a gorgeous property. While Lorraine worked on a watercolor painting I wandered around the property with my tripod and zoom lens. It is no exaggeration for me to say that the exact second that I set up near some gorgeous phlox flowers that a very fast moving something caught my eye. I looked up from my camera to try and locate it and there it was - a hummingbird moth!! Two years ago was the first time we had seen one and since that time I have only seen one one other time until yesterday. I have so been hoping to see one again to try photographing it. In case like us you didn’t know about these very unique creatures - they are not a bird; they are a moth. They are called hummingbird moths because of how fast they move - like a hummingbird. In fact, they are about 1/2 the size of a hummingbird and beat their wings even faster! One of the flowers that they love is phlox. Once I took these shots it flew away and I never located it again. The rest of the shots are from me wandering around the rest of the properly after this guy left.

I hope you enjoy!

That’s it!


A Short Story - Sandhill Cranes


Dazzling Primary Colors