Dazzling Primary Colors

About 10 days ago I had yet another incredible morning over at Ragged. We had just had another series of rainy days so this particular morning was even more welcome than usual. 53 degrees, no wind and the promise of blue skies! I arrived well before sunrise and as I walked down to the two snowmaking ponds I could barely see in front of me - the fog was very thick but actually felt very refreshing. As I looked up towards where the sun rises I thought I might have the chance of some early morning landscapes if the fog decided to lift as the sun was rising… I had in mind a new spot to set up and prepare for the sunrise… it did not disappoint!!

And just after I took this shot I walked over to yet another new spot I had wanted to try a landscape from and this unfolded!!

I then had the most incredible lighting with a burst of bird activity! Honestly - I couldn’t keep up - birds were singing, flying, and eating just about everywhere right in front of me! The air was so crisp and clear with such a stunning blue sky that it made for incredible rich colors in the beautiful birds and ripe berries. Red, yellow, blue - I hope you enjoy these dazzling primary colors!

I was looking straight ahead when a flash of gorgeous yellow flew by me from right to left - I had just one chance to fire off this shot of this yellow warbler as I moved to my left - wow!

Then (and please correct me if I am wrong) - I had these two spectacular female chestnut-sided warblers land in this tree right in front of me! As I took the first shot I was just hoping that one of them would continue slightly up the tree right behind the web - and she did! These were the only two shots that I was able to get off before they both flew up and away… just so beautiful.

I then saw a flash of color to my left and guess who?? A solitary cedar waxwing flew in for the berries in the tree to my left. I wish I had had the time to move 3 feet to my left but there was no time - I said - just take the shots!

After the waxwing flew off I walked over to my right as I saw some action in a bush… and so I set up hoping for a chance of something. And then this song sparrow put on this show for me!

And then I heard a song that I have heard before but could not recognize. So I pulled out my phone and hit the sound function on the Merlin Bird ID app - they were red-eye vireos!! I have so wanted to get good clear shots of them - every other time I have heard them I have only had a quick glimpse of them behind leaves and branches. Well, this particular morning, it was as if this one red-eyed vireo said to me - look at me! And I did - wow!!!

Just when I was catching my breath from all of that excitement I had this sweet yellow warbler make a quick appearance right smack in front of me.

And the last of my sightings was of the song sparrow again - over near that bush… I am always thankful for all of these precious feathered creatures…

I love when I only see legs! :)

What a morning….


Hummingbird Moth


American Bittern!