American Bittern!

So this is how this story goes!! I went out as usual yesterday morning and totally scored - just a great morning start to finish! Another day I will share yesterday morning’s shots with you - but I need to share these with you first! :)

After dinner I said to Lorraine - how about we take a ride over to Ragged you never know what we might see at dusk - she said yes! I grabbed my gear and rubbed her head for good luck (I am not kidding - I do that when she comes with me! In my opinion there is a lot to be said for the luck of the Irish! :)). So off we went… it was a gorgeous evening. We slowly drove up Ragged Mountain Road while I pointed out some of my spots to her. The birds and wildlife were exceptionally quiet but we were still having a very nice ride.

As we approached the Danbury Bog on our way back - I said, we will go really slowly here - you never know we might see a Bittern! I have been looking each day - on my way out and back as I am convinced Bitterns would be in the bog in this area. At this point in the road the bog is on either side of us - so I slowed way down so that we could each look. Just as I reached the halfway point as I was looking out my side driver’s side window I say - OMG there is a Bittern!! So I immediately backed up to pull over and park. Lorraine grabbed her binocs and I grabbed my camera and tripod. We quietly crossed the road and stopped so I can set up while I pointed out to Lorraine where I saw the Bittern. Now of course he had crouched down so I lost him. So we took that opportunity to walk a little further and for me to set up again where I was hoping it would re-appear. Sure enough - instantly I see him stretch his long neck out trying to catch the last rays of the setting sun! I point him out to Lorraine and then we both totally enjoyed watching this amazing prehistoric looking creature! A Bittern has so many different looks - when stretched tall, or crouched down, or stretching forward to approach its prey… wow - they are amazing to watch! Not only was it amazing to see this guy but to have him fairly out in the open was such a bonus! Most times they just stick around in the middle of the reeds so that often I only see their necks and heads.

I hope you enjoy!

Lorraine, thanks for being such a good sport for going for a ride and for once again bringing your Irish good luck with you!


Dazzling Primary Colors


Feathered Treasures