Feathered Treasures

Mornings like this past Tuesday are why my big post projects keep getting pushed to the side! I am always saying to myself - well, just share this morning’s sightings - after all, it is only one morning and my big post projects are multiple days that I am trying to consolidate into a couple of extra long posts! When I cull my shots for you I also realize that this photographer should not also be the editor! :). Lorraine is constantly reinforcing the importance of being “brutal” to narrow down my selections!

Here goes - this past Tuesday…

I spent an absolutely stunning morning over at Ragged - 52 degrees, some fog and mist to start the morning and immediately birdsong in the air! I really struggled with spotting the little things creating the beautiful songs and chirps but I kept at it and told myself - just be more patient! Of course when I get that beautiful sun rising behind me over the mountains and it is creating mini spotlights highlighting multiple stages in front of me just waiting for the actors to appear - my heart is pounding in anticipation for the show to begin! Well… it finally began and this show had multiple acts that just kept on giving nature’s feathered treasures! This show of beauty honestly took my breath away…

I have put in a very long (I guess I was not brutal enough with my culling skills this morning - sorry!) series of shots for you without any further comments so that you can click through and savor the quiet beauty. With so much that is going on in our world that is causing so much anxiety and angst I hope that you will find this calming and relaxing. I also hope that it allows you to exhale, if like me, you find yourself holding your breath a lot these days.

You will see the warblers I have been sharing with you recently- chestnut-sided, yellow, blue-winged (I believe), common yellow throats, American redstarts, cedar waxwing…I am thrilled that they are still hanging around.

It is now time for you to come along with me and enjoy nature’s amazing gift of these feathered treasures -


American Bittern!


Who is this?