Who is this?

Saturday morning we were looking out at the lake when I saw a tiny dark shadow coming up from the water’s edge into the mossy/grassy area….. Of course I ran and grabbed my camera - Here it is! Do you think this is a baby snapping turtle?

We have our answer already - thank you, Allan!! According to Allan since the rear edge of the shell is in fact serrated this is a little snapping turtle!

And then Lorraine and I thought - you need a frame of reference to see just how tiny this little turtle is - so I ran and got a flip flop (size 8.5) to put down next to the little guy -

And then about 5 min later you know who went slowly paddling by!

FYI - I am working on a couple of big photo projects for the blog so I have my hands full with those and enjoying company during the month of August. Also, we head to VT for a Plein Air Festival that Lorraine will be participating in! So I will have lots to share at some point…

Sending our best to all of you!


Feathered Treasures


Showing off!