Showing off!

This morning was amazing - it was glorious! 56degrees and lots of lots of very early morning fog. I was back at Ragged… and the air was delicious! I set up to start the day with a few landscapes…when the sun came up it did not disappoint.

This building I have photographed many times - I just love how it lights up in the mornings along with the stand of birches. This building is on one of the snowmaking ponds.

I love this area - I spend lots of time along this mowed path - this leads to a beautiful field and meadows…

And then I walked back to the snowmaking pond …

After I packed up my landscape camera and was heading over to the warbler area I kept passing the most incredible and intricate webs so I thought I would share one with you -

I set up over in my favorite spot and had to be extra patient - birds were very quiet to start the day. I waited and waited and then the glorious song from a chestnut-sided pierced the morning quiet - what a good morning song! I snapped this shot of him and then he flew up and away over and behind me - I never saw or heard him again this morning.

So I waited again and then this guy showed up and put on a show like I could not believe! He was soaking wet and found the perfect perch in the early morning sun to stretch and clean his wings to get ready for another day. I am not certain - but my guess is this is a young blue-winged… but absolutely no guarantee that I am right - please feel free to correct me - anytime! I am no expert at all.

I absolutely love when I am able to witness a little bird primping and getting ready for the day - it really is heartwarming to watch such a little creature work so hard to make sure those feathers are exactly right to get ready for another day. I hope you enjoy!

And then when I lost sight of the little guy above… I spotted - you guessed it - the American Redstart! And he put on a show, too! Honestly, wow!! I hope you enjoy - these are it for today!

That’s it!


Who is this?


Fresh air morning