
A very different kind of post for you today - only one photo! I was in very heavy fog for a very long time this morning. I kept at it but was really finding it very challenging as it was very hard to see and the volume of birds has quieted down tremendously. The season is changing for sure. I texted Lorraine to say I was going to be later than usual - I just had to keep trying. I did end up seeing some warblers and did get some photos. There were lots of webs around and I spent a good deal of time trying to photograph them. As I was coming around the back corner of the first pond at Ragged I stopped dead in my tracks. Right in front of me in great light was this incredible web filled with perfect dew drops that looked like jewels to me!

I hope you enjoy!

And once again - thank you so much for your blog comments, emails and texts - it is truly my pleasure to share with you!


Lorraine Paints VT!


A Short Story - Sandhill Cranes