Lorraine Paints VT!

For Lorraine’s birthday we were recently in Warren and Waitsfield, VT so that she could participate in the 3-day Mad River Valley Arts Plein Air Festival! We had never been to this area of Vermont - it is absolutely stunning! I am going to leave the commentary to Lorraine as she will be making a blog post once her paintings are finished. We came home with 3 mostly finished paintings that she is now working on in her studio. We really lucked out with the weather - the forecast was not looking good when we left for the weekend. However, once again her Irish charm brought us good luck. We had lots of variations in light throughout our time there with lots of clouds, no clouds, sun, no sun, light rain and downpours!. Overall - we really scored!

I wanted to share with you each of her painting locations…

I hope you enjoy!.

Signing in! We then studied the map they gave her to determine where she wanted to paint on each of the 3 days.

Day 1

(This was also on this property - she will paint another time from this photo.)

Day 2 -

Day 3

The end of her painting weekend!

The Mad River - Lorraine may try to paint this someday from this photo.

That’s it from me - Lorraine will post her finished paintings when she has them all completed! We had a great time and hope to do it again!


Provence - Part 1

