Ragged Gifts

The time is coming to an end way too quickly for the darling warblers to start their long migration out of here before the colder months are upon us. I am so thankful for the ones that I am still seeing - but I will say, the numbers are way down so I know the time is getting closer when I won’t be seeing any more until next year. Thankfully, my favorite spots at Ragged are still giving me chances of sightings and photos.

Last week, before our current stretch of heat and humidity, I went over to Ragged on a gorgeous morning - great air with low early morning temps. It started off extremely quiet but I kept at it and finally the magic started!

I hope that you enjoy!

Female common yellowthroat

I kept hearing a house wren…. and then finally spotted this little beauty!

Male common yellowthroat…. wow, a hint of fall is sure here!

Kingbirds - I would love to know what they are thinking…

My first oriole sighting at Ragged!

How small are those feet??? :)

I have never seen so many chestnut-sided warblers as I did this summer!

Female common yellowthroat…

I believe this is a Northern Waterthrush - a swampy area is right below this tree.

After the above shot I spotted this amazing flash of yellow to my left…. I kept looking and looking as I felt I saw the tree it landed in - how could I not see it??? And then… through a small opening behind a lot of leaves and branches I spotted it! A stunning brilliant yellow warbler putting on a show!

And then a small group of waxwings arrived to my right…. so I quickly and as quietly as possible moved over to my right and captured this!

I am not sure whether this is a Bohemian waxwing or a juvenile cedar waxwing - do you know?? UPDATE - Thank you Allan for confirming that this is a juvenile cedar waxwing!! It was definitely darker in color than the adult cedar waxwings that I have been seeing…

After this show it was time for me to walk back to the car. I was walking very slowly scanning the trees, bushes and the path for any kind of sightings…. when I thought I saw some movement ahead. I stopped dead in my tracks and put my tripod down and got ready…. everything seemed to remain very still and quiet. The longer I stood there I was convinced that I had sensed some kind of movement under the apple tree ahead - so I was committed to waiting… And then… this beautiful young buck lifted his head out from underneath the very tall grass. He stayed motionless while I took my shots - I didn’t move at all… We stayed just looking at each other for what seemed like a very long time - just staring into each other’s eyes. Finally he turned and walked very gracefully back into the woods. I then gave thanks and picked up my gear and as quietly as I could walked back to the car.


Provence -Part 2


Provence - Part 1