NH Wildlife

I am soooo far behind on photos to share with you that I am going to try a new game plan - we’ll see if it works! :-). Throughout the summer my plan is to share with you current photos from our time in NH and catch up on the Sandhill cranes and our trip to Provence on rainy days! Fingers crossed….

These photos are from my first three outings in NH. My first outing was back at Ragged Mountain where I spent lots of time last year and my other two outings are around the lake - with this morning being my first kayak outing. It ended up being too windy to be in the kayak with my tripod and camera this morning but I was determined to hang in there! I only have one shot that I feel is good enough to share with you from this morning after being out there fighting the wind for over 2 hours… but that is how it can go! We are thrilled that I saw a pair of loons this morning. However, they are not nesting so no chance of little loon chicks, but thrilled nonetheless that they are here - we hope they stay. You know I will keep you posted!

The first three shots are from my first morning at Ragged - the sunrises there are truly amazing! So often the mountains are covered in clouds and/or fog…exactly what happened this first morning.

I hope you enjoy!

Song sparrow - always singing one of the first beautiful songs of the morning!

The very skittish Spotted Sandpiper! I saw the crazy flying pattern of what I thought was a sandpiper first thing when it was still quite dark out…. As I walked around as the light was just starting to get a little better all of a sudden this little sandpiper was scurrying around the edge of one of the little ponds - I was thrilled to be able to actually see it!

I felt the presence of something through the trees and was able to find a little opening in the trees to find this gorgeous little buck just popping out of the woods looking for a breakfast of blossoms!

As I was turning back around, the sun was just pouring through the clouds and lighting up these plants - I have no idea what these gorgeous blossoms are - do you?

I was walking back past the ponds when this scene unfolded… I can’t wait to go back!

Yesterday early evening at the lake -

Flying right into the setting sun… exactly what I was hoping for!

And a day would not be complete without the sweet Phoebe -

And … the heart stopping loon! I hope to have many more opportunities for loon shots this summer. Because this pair is not nesting you never know - fingers and toes crossed!

And finally the gorgeous flicker!


A dream…


Fog at Herring Cove