A dream…

You will need time to read this post… it is a long one. When you have time please sit back, relax, and drink in the magic of this particular morning… I hope you enjoy!

Well, sometimes things just line up just so well that I can’t believe it is all happening… Friday morning was that kind of morning for me. The lake was like glass and it was 52 degrees - just perfect… and to top it off there were billows of fog lifting off of the still water - I just love these mornings…

There were no loon calls so I was not sure if either of the loons had spent the night - I was sure hoping someone did. As I paddled very slowly and quietly into the middle of the lake it was hard to see through all of the fog - just beautiful. Not one leaf was moving on any of the trees around the lake - when I say the lake was still it was like a table top - just a dream…

I saw the cute little mallard family in the distance so I used them to focus and adjust my settings. As I was concentrating on them and changing my settings I looked over my right shoulder towards where the sun comes up and who did I see just calmly resting on the water?? One of the loons! I immediately started quietly paddling to my right across the lake… I wanted to get to the other side of the loon so that if I had any luck I would get in the right position with the sun coming up behind me - just in case everything lined up. I dream of these moments. I made my way to where I wanted to be and the loon just kept resting so peacefully. Loons tuck their heads over their backs when they rest and they very slowly drift and spin along the top of the water, spinning like a slow motion top gliding along on top of the water. Every time I have seen this they have been spinning clockwise - which is exactly what he was doing. I kept slightly adjusting where I was in relationship to the loon. Often when they are in this position one eye is open and one eye is closed - just amazing. At this point the fog and mist was rising up all over the lake as it was getting closer to sunrise. When the sun rises it has to come up over very tall pine trees so the first rays of sun are filtered through the pine branches - it is just gorgeous - streaks of bright sunlight hit certain parts of the lake - just like spotlights on a stage.

All of a sudden there was the tiniest current in the lake and it was moving the loon towards me!! I thought to myself - this really can’t be happening! As always, my heart starts to pump so fast I can hear it and I really do say to myself - settle down and concentrate! :-). Of course my kayak is always drifting slightly no matter how still the lake is so the very big challenge is to anticipate where he is going to move to and be there when he hits the best light. So I am constantly paddling a little to get in the best possible position without disturbing him. All the while he is slowly spinning and spinning, continually clockwise… spinning continually on a path right towards me with the sunlight starting to reach through the tall pines.

And then he woke up…

My love of wildlife and wildlife photography started with observing and taking photographs of loons many years ago. Lorraine and I have been coming up to NH for 30 years - so that tells you how long. I have taken many thousands of loon shots over the years and Friday morning’s experience was like no other I have ever had….the loon was never disturbed by my presence and I have never had one come so close to me… it truly was just the loon and me sharing the peacefulness of these moments together.

Right after this shot he dove quietly beneath the surface of the water and came up way down the lake. I could finally breathe again…..

I then paddled over towards the edge of the lake where the sun was lighting up everything beautifully and was greeted by these…

Cedar Waxwing

Chipping Sparrow

Painted Turtle

I then paddled to the other side of an island to hopefully catch the loon floating by in the fog that was lifting from the middle of the lake while I look directly into the bright sun. You guessed it - he did exactly what I hoped for….

I then paddled 45 degrees to my right to come up alongside another island and waited … just hoping he would decide to float right past me in the glorious light… you guessed it….

And then he dove under and away. I then looked up towards the field that I always paddle over near and saw a gorgeous deer in the field…

When all of a sudden the deer bounded across the field at top speed! Based on the speed of the deer I thought… something else must be coming out of the woods that must have spooked it…..

And look who it was!!!!

I thought to myself - this really can’t be happening - but it was! This moose just locked eyes with me and talk about my heart beating - it was in overdrive! To have gorgeous early morning light on that field with a moose in it while I am in my kayak - well, it is all hard to believe! The moose made her (I think this is an adult female - to be confirmed) down towards the edge of the lake. I kept slowly paddling backwards - then stopping and firing off a bunch of shots… and then continuing to paddle backwards to show that I was not a threat. It is amazing to think that these huge animals live on greens and bark etc - truly remarkable.

At one point she went behind the highest row of bushes and trees along the lake’s edge where I could no longer see her. I kept saying to myself… I know she is still there. So I waited and waited… and who popped up next to me but the loon!!! I am not kidding you… :-). So I started taking loon shots again - once again very comfortable being close to me!

That line through his eye is the last of the wisps of the morning fog swirling around…

When all of a sudden the loon was sooooo focused on something ahead of us and he started to glide backwards…. so I looked up to see you know who again!!!!

I honestly have no idea how that moose walked all along the lake’s edge behind those bushes and trees without me hearing one step! At this point the moose is the closest I have ever been to one! I took a bunch of shots and then paddled slowly backwards as she never took her eyes off of me… At this point the loon and I are side by side - the loon is off to my left side and we are both staring at this huge moose which is staring back at us!! Or should I say - the moose is staring at me! Because that is sure how it felt the entire time!

Then the moose started to move to her left along the lake and behind the first row of trees. She snapped a branch which just about made me fly out of the kayak! Thankfully I didn’t fly out of the kayak as I was able to get these last few shots before she turned and went back into the woods…

“Hello, sun in my face.

Hello, you who made the morning

and spread it over the field

Watch, now, how I start the day

in happiness, in kindness.”

- Mary Oliver


June blooms


NH Wildlife