PTown Wild

Wow!! Some mornings are just a lot harder than others to describe!! For this post you will need time…. so grab your favorite beverage, sit back and relax and I’ll try to Show and Tell as best I can!

This was a recent morning at Herring Cove. Three mornings in a row I parked as far to the right as possible in the empty parking lot… lol…. and walked towards Race Point Light. I picked these three mornings because fog and clouds were forecasted… zero wind… and a low high tide which meant that I could get to a spot I have wanted to set up for landscapes and wildlife…. So this post is the second morning… I ended up too fogged in on the first morning to get anything to share. Landscapes didn’t cooperate this morning…. but wow the wildlife sure did!!!

I was able to walk to the point I wanted to… it is an area on the beach that at high tide has a channel running through it… so I can look over that water to a spit of beach and then beyond that to the ocean. I was out there for quite some time just listening and trying to see… and then I felt eyes on me. It is hard to describe when I get the feeling that something is watching me that I have not yet spotted. So I scanned all around me and the horizon to spotted see this guy…

As you can see he is on that spit of land I was describing… and I thought to myself… exactly where is he going to go? Both far ends of this spit of land at this tide level are submerged…. As the following occurred I actually said to myself… this is once in a lifetime, Cheryl - don’t blow it!

The birds in front are Mergansers… in this area it is loaded with these birds - both the Common and Red-breasted species….

I thought to myself… is he really going to swim across right in front of my line of vision??? :-):-)

Clearly, the answer was yes!


Can you believe this???

I absolutely love this! Truly unbelievable….

And then off and running into the dunes - beautiful!!

As if that wasn’t enough… I was just catching my breath from this experience when I sensed something else…

An adult Harbor Seal racing to the water’s edge!

Look at the prints this guy made in the sand on his way to the water! Incredible…. It is truly amazing how fast a seal can move on land when he wants to…. to look at them it just doesn’t seem possible…. He then turned around and went back up on the beach…. And gave me the best poses!

After this pose he decided it was time for a nap as the sun was finally just beginning to break through the clouds …. and it gave me time to catch my breath…. I thought. But just as soon as I was taking my eye away from my viewfinder I saw movement in the channel coming right in front of me! I only had time to snap this shot - an otter!!!! I never would have guessed that I would ever see an otter way out there….

It was all sooo amazing!! After all of this action is was time to head back - Lorraine and I had planned on going out to breakfast once I got home. So I trudged back to the car, went home, got ready and then Lorraine and I went out to breakfast in PTown. I could have eaten everything on the menu - I had been out a very long time on only a protein bar! As soon as we arrived for breakfast the clouds lifted and it was a gorgeous sunny morning. After we ate we went over to Beech Forest to do the one mile loop to see what birds were around to greet us. I said to Lorraine - I am zero for four in my attempts to the see the Wood Ducks over there so you will be my lucky charm (which is usually the case!).

As we started on the path this little cutie landed right in front of me.

We were about 3/4 around the loop when I was once again said… well I guess no wood ducks again when Lorraine said - I think I see a wood duck out in the middle of the big pond! Sure enough - she had spotted it! I said it looks like it is going over towards the beginning of the loop where there is a picnic table. Neither one of could believe he was right there - very close to the edge! I have spent countless hours over there and every time I have seen wood ducks they have never been in that spot so close to the edge. I was had carrying my camera so I rested it on the table and knelt behind the table - I was exhausted from my morning but was not going to miss this opportunity! Well…. the reason the wood duck came so close was because someone had thrown some bread out and there were two geese eating away….and the wood duck came out of the water to investigate and get an easy snack!!

Not only was I the closest ever to a wood duck, hiding behind the picnic table… but the light was behind me -just perfect… when I say Lorraine brings us luck on our outings together I am not exaggerating!

I hope you enjoy!

The end of a magical morning!


Fog at Herring Cove

