
My plan was to post some previous Cape shots to try and catch up a little but that is not happening today. Instead, I wanted to share this morning’s adventure with you and catch up on Cape shots another time! We are now back in WMass. This morning I went to Hadley hoping to spot the Gray Screech Owl and the Great Egret that have each been seen many times recently at the Silvio O. Conte Nature Preserve. Well, I never found the Screech…. and I looked a lot! But I did spot the beautiful Great Egret…The morning was overcast and sprinkling off and on…

I was zoomed in as much as possible to capture the above shot… and then he decided to very quickly turn and fly towards me - I honestly didn’t have time to zoom out… which is why the next shots are coming right you!

I could hear and see lots of Red-winged blackbirds - you know it is Spring when they are everywhere! And this this female landed quite near to me…

I was able to see a gorgeous Red-breasted Grosbeak but my shots are not good - I hope to have another chance in better lighting in order to share with you another day!

I then was driving home after many hours at Silvio and went to see if a Screech was in a tree in Sunderland that I had seen one in 2 years ago….. and guess what??? A Red Screech was sitting perfectly in the exact tree in the exact same hole as 2 years ago!!! :-)



PTown Wild


I Never Know!