Once in a blue moon!
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Once in a blue moon!

A blue moon does not mean that it is the color blue - it means that it is full moon that falls during a month that has two full moons. This only happens about every 2 1/2 years. For a blue moon to also be a super moon is even more rare - the next one will happen in 2037!

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Provence -Part 2
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Provence -Part 2

I pick up with this post with another early morning trip up to the top of Bonnieux to see the Luberon hills and the villages begin to wake up!

It is time to come alone with me….

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Ragged Gifts
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Ragged Gifts

Last week, before our current stretch of heat and humidity, I went over to Ragged on a gorgeous morning - great air with low early morning temps. It started off extremely quiet but I kept at it and finally the magic started!

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Provence - Part 1
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Provence - Part 1

This past May we spent a magical week in Provence. Our home base was in the small hilltop village of Bonnieux - honestly, it was like a dream - so wonderful in every possible way. The village has approx. 1,800 residents and it sits atop a hill overlooking the gorgeous Luberon region of Provence.

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Lorraine Paints VT!
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Lorraine Paints VT!

For Lorraine’s birthday we were recently in Warren and Waitsfield, VT so that she could participate in the 3 day Mad River Valley Arts Plein Air Festival! We had never been to this area of Vermont - it is absolutely stunning!

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Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson


As I was coming around the back corner of the first pond at Ragged I stopped dead in my tracks. Right in front of me in great light was this incredible web filled with perfect dew drops that looked like jewels to me!

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A Short Story -   Sandhill Cranes
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

A Short Story - Sandhill Cranes

Once again I have had the incredible privilege of being able to wander private property in Ashfield to observe and photograph sandhill cranes. It is truly a moving experience to spend hour upon hour just watching these magnificent birds.

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Hummingbird Moth
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Hummingbird Moth

It is no exaggeration for me to say that the exact second that I set up near some gorgeous phlox flowers that a very fast moving something caught my eye. I looked up from my camera to try and locate it and there it was - a hummingbird moth!!

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Dazzling Primary Colors
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Dazzling Primary Colors

About 10 days ago I had yet another incredible morning over at Ragged. We had just had another series of rainy days so this particular morning was even more welcome than usual. 53 degrees, no wind and the promise of blue skies!

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American Bittern!
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

American Bittern!

As we approached the Danbury Bog on our way back - I said, we will go really slowly here - you never know we might see a Bittern! I have been looking each day - on my way out and back as I am convinced Bitterns would be in the bog in this area…

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Feathered Treasures
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Feathered Treasures

With so much that is going on in our world that is causing so much anxiety and angst I hope that you will find this calming and relaxing. I also hope that it allows you to exhale, if like me, you find yourself holding your breath a lot these days…

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Who is this?
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Who is this?

Saturday morning we were looking out at the lake when I saw a tiny dark shadow coming up from the water’s edge into the mossy/grassy area….. Of course I ran and grabbed my camera…

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Showing off!
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Showing off!

This morning was amazing - it was glorious! 56degrees and lots of lots of very early morning fog. I was back at Ragged… and the air was delicious!

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Fresh air morning
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Fresh air morning

Thank you!!!…. I sincerely appreciate knowing that you enjoy seeing the gifts of nature that occur in the early morning hours. So now please come along with me as we experience yesterday morning’s burst of fresh air - take a nice deep breath, relax , sit back and please enjoy!

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Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson


The day after the 4th of July promised clouds lifting and some early sunshine - a very welcome change from all of the smoky or cloudy skies, or rain. I arrived over at Ragged a little before 5am to try a new spot

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Feeding frenzy!
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Feeding frenzy!

There is a spot in this area that I love to spend time at - very often I see common yellowthroat warbers here. As soon as I arrived I heard them all around me! I was so excited as the light was absolutely stunning.

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June blooms
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

June blooms

Since many of us have been enduring many days of rain, clouds, and smoke filled skies, I thought you might enjoy seeing some color!

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A dream…
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

A dream…

Well, sometimes things just line up just so well that I can’t believe it is all happening… Friday morning was that kind of morning for me. The lake was like glass and it was 52 degrees - just perfect…

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NH Wildlife
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

NH Wildlife

I felt the presence of something through the trees and was able to find a little opening in the trees to find this gorgeous little buck just popping out of the woods looking for a breakfast of blossoms!

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Fog at Herring Cove
Cheryl Patterson Cheryl Patterson

Fog at Herring Cove

I love when I can hear the fishing boats and birds but can’t see them… this was that kind of morning.

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